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Saturday, January 13, 2018

How To Jump And Leap Higher

Kung Fu Martial Arts:

The way how to jump and leap high is a big advantage in any sorts of Kung Fu discipline.

Whether your Kung Fu is in Shaolin Based or Taoist Based, it doesn't matter.Whether your Kung Fu is Internal or External, Hard or Soft Systems or Styles....
Be it in Animal Forms, Human Forms or in a Scientific Form of Kung Fu.... as student should have a basic knowledge on this kind of NONE FIGHTING ART...
If you insist that someone can jump of 4 feet to 6 feet is nothing to impress... it will be awesome if you can immediately
jump the house gate or across over a taxi cab car without stress and worry free, without much of a wide running room.
You can do this one of the ultimate skill, feats of Kung Fu if you have the Determination to do such of a hard work....
First of all, you have to make a big hole by digging a hole in the ground 2.5 feet deep and at least 4 feet wide.
Stand in the trench and leap to the ground level while repeating of jumps 1 to 1,000 repetitions until you are very exhausted....
And when months passed by, when you feel ease that way, you may now use shin bone weights. It's up to you if how much weight will you basically start to use.
And after months passed again, when you feel another ease and comfortable than before, you may now increase the weights gradually, and begin to digg the trench 3 inches deep and also increase the hole diameter by 5 inches if you like.... practice it everyday and always put in mind that determination is the key to success.....
Do this for several

months as a positive progress results.... it's up to you to keep on increasing weights, increasing depth, and increasing hole diameter wide until several months add.
Just keep on practicing for the period of more or less 4 years as, 6 days of practice while 1 day of rest.....
You will later not noticed that the hole you dig is over 6 feet deep while the shin bone weights that you are wearing is about that very heavy, as you also increase the wide diameter of the hole......
Just be sure that the hole will not be filled by water in case of heavy rain.....
For another year passed by, now, try removing the shin bone weights that you attached to your feet, and look for something to jump like your back gate of your house, have some running room distance and don't just only imagine, just try you best to jump, you will truly convinced that to see is to believe......
The number one purpose of Leaping Kung Fu None Fighting Art is to avoid trouble and immediately get away in case of extreme situations.... avoidance of trouble-to-be is the highest essense of Kung Fu..... since you win a confrontation without fighting.....
but if cornered and no such directions to escape, then fight if you have too, using your awesome feats of your High Leaping Kung Fu plus the techniques of your Hand Held Kung Fu weaponry, it depends upon the Kung Fu art, it is a good and awesome feats to arsenal as a none fighting art.

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