Klabu ya KungFu ya Mwajuha iliyopo Gongolamboto jijini Dar es salaam, imejipanga vizuri katika mafunzo ya mchezo huo ambao unakua kwa kasi hapa nchini, na hadi sasa vijana kadhaa wameweza kujipatia ajira na wengine wengi kujiajiri wenywe.
Kauli mbiu ya michezo ajira, inazidi kutia nguvu mioyo ya wana mchezo huo, kwani niukweli usio pingika kwamba, Wushu ni bidhaa adimu na nimuhimu katika tasnia ya filam za mapigano duniani kote,kwakuzingatia swala la ajira, na fursa mbalimbali zilizopo na zinazo jitokeza kwa wana Wushu, na michezo ya mapigano kwa ujumla,mwalimu wa mchezo huo Saidi Ndomboloa,
ambae hivi karibuni alitua kutoka nchini China katika kozi ya diploma ya wushu, iliyofanyika katika chuo kikuu cha Tianjin Huoyuanjia, chuo ambacho ni maarufu kwa wataalamu wa michezo ya Wushu duniani, chuo hiko pia kina historia ya kutoa nyota wengi wa dunia kamavile Jet Lee na wengine wengi.

Ndomboloa anawaasa vijana na wazazi/walezi,kutambua umuhimu wa mchezo huo ambao bado watanzania wengi hawajagundua umuhimu wake,nachukua nafasi hii kuwakaribisha watu wa rika na jinsia zote, katika Klabu yangu iliyopo Gongolamboto mwisho.
Wushu nimchezo mzuri sana haswa kwa watoto,kutokana na malezi ya nayo patikana ndani ya mafunzo yake, humjenga mtoto kiakili na kimwili, unapo zungumzia wushu unazungumzia maisha kamili ya mwanadamu ,wushu inafundisha maisha halisi ambayo kila mwanadamu anatakiwa kuishi,na ndio maana katika michezo yote Wushu inaongoza kwa nidham, kinyume chake atakua amejifunza vichochoroni.
Akitoa shukrani zake za dhati kwa serikali ya China na Tanzania kwa kumchagua, kupitia Chama cha Wushu Tanzania, alisema, sina cha kuwalipa zaidi ya kufanya kazi ninayotakiwa kuifanya kwa juhudi na ubunifu wangu wote naamini wata furahi, siku nikija kufanikiwa, kwani anaekusaidia anakutakia mafanikio.
Kabla ya kwenda nchini China Ndomboloa alishakua na ndoto nyigi za kufanikiwa kupitia taaluma yake hiyo, anaamini ipo siku atakuwa nyota wa filam za mapigano afrika ya mashariki, na duniani kwa ujumla, na teyari alisha cheza filam za mapigano zaidi ya mbili, kamavile Power of iyman, na The foundation.
Hivyo basi wadau wa michezo na wa filam,munakaribiswa kuwekeza katika Wushu,kama munavyofanya kwenye sanaa zengine,
Wushu kwa afya, ajira, na ni mchezo kama michezo mingine,nawaomba wadau wa michezo wageukie na huku kwetu, naamini mchezo huu unaweza kuleta ushindi na heshima kubwa duniani, na kufanya nchi yetu kua maarufu ulimwenguni kote.
在达累斯萨拉姆现有Mwajuha Gongolamboto的功夫俱乐部,在训练比赛是在该国快速增长的井井有条,而且到目前为止,他们已经得到了几个青年就业等诸多就业为他自己。
255654855313 Gongolamboto 达累斯萨拉姆,坦桑尼亚
Kungfu Club of existing Mwajuha Gongolamboto in Dar es Salaam, organized well in the training game that is growing rapidly in the country, and so far they've gotten several youth employment and many other employment for himself.Slogan of the sports is jobs, increasingly strengthened the hearts of the children the game, since it is an indisputable fact that, Wushu is a rare commodity and is important in the film industry worldwide conflict,
to consider the issue of employment and opportunities and beneath appeared to have Wushu and fighting games in general,
teacher of the game Saidi Ndomboloa,
who recently jetted from across China in the course of the diploma of wushu, held at the University of Tianjin Huoyuanjia, college, which is famous for professional sports Wushu world, college reigns also has a history of many stars of the world such as Jet Lee and many others.
Ndomboloa he urged young people and parents / carers, recognizing the importance of the game that most Tanzanians still have not realized its importance,
I take this opportunity to welcome people of all ages and gender, in my current club Gongolamboto end.
Wushu is a very good game, especially for children, due to the formation of it found in his training, edifies the child mentally and physically, when you are talking about wushu is talking about the full life of a human being, wushu teaches real life that every human being should live, and that is why in games all Wushu leads to discipline, on the contrary he grew up he learned alley.
Citing its profound gratitude to the government of China and Tanzania to elect, through the Association of Wushu Tanzania, said, I have to pay more to do the work I have to do with effort and creativity all my believe will rejoice, day coming succeed, as helpful a wish success .
Before going in China Ndomboloa had grown up with the dream, although not always succeed through his profession that he believes there is a day he will be the star of films fighting South East, and the world in general, and has already played a film of fighting more than two, even as Power of faith, and The Foundation.
So stakeholders of sports and film, you are welcome to invest in Wushu, as you are in other sports,
Wushu for health, employment, and it is a game like the other games, I ask stakeholders to turn towards the games with us, I believe this game can bring victory and honor in the world, and make our country grow popular worldwide.
MWAJUHA Shaolin Kung Fu